Monday, July 6, 2009

Sleeping through the night

It has taken almost 5 and 1/2 months, but Lincoln finally had his first "sleep through the night" experience. He has been on a pretty regular schedule of going to bed at 7:00pm, maybe waking up to eat at 11:00pm, waking up at about 2:30am to eat, and then waking up at 7:00am for the day. While it has been a nice schedule, it still involves at least one wake-up to eat time. Well, last night he went to bed at 7:45pm and did not wake up again until 6:30am. Wow! What a night.

The night, however, was not full of sleep for the caretakers. About every two hours, Lincoln would start crying in his normal "I'm waking up, so feed me," manner. By the time an adult (Jen) would get up, put on glasses to see, and make it out to Lincoln's bedroom (the pantry), he would be fast asleep.

We don't really expect the sleep-through-the-night routine to last. The past couple of days, Lincoln has been a little more fussy than normal and just not quite himself. So, he could either be not feeling well or experiencing the myriad of other things that babies make babies uneasy (teething, growth spurts, loud siblings). He was really due for a long night's sleep, because his daytime naps have been pretty short or non-existent for the past few days. So, let's hope that (1) he gets to feeling better and (2) continues to sleep through the night (at least every so often).

1 comment:

Auntie K said...

Congratulations (well, sort of. Let's hope this is a sign of better things to come)!