Thursday, December 11, 2008

Baby Blog

Wow it's been a long time since I've written a blog. So I figured I'd give a pregnancy update since we've had an interesting few days with it. Saturday I planned on going shopping all day for Christmas. I had a ton of places to go in search of a red sweater for Jack. We were having family pictures taken today at the capitol and all I really needed to find on Saturday was a red sweater. It shouldn't be that hard (oh, and a long black skirt for myself-not even maternity). After over 5 hours of shopping and looking in every store in Austin, no red vest (just a sweater) and I had only found one long black skirt which was perfect. Anyway, the point is that very early that morning it felt like the baby had dropped. All of a sudden I could feel a ton of pressure and the kicks were much lower than normal. Throughout my shopping expedition I did a ton of walking and I could feel my hips separating (0uchhhh).
on Tuesday I had an ultrasound scheduled to check the position of my placenta and make sure it had moved up and out of the way. I expected it to be a quick appointment, in fact I almost brought Allie with me. It's a good thing I didn't. It took forever. The ultrasound tech remeasured all of the babies body parts because it had been a while since my last ultrasound. Everything measured well. I also had her check to make sure the baby was still a boy and she said it was very obvious that he was. So the problem that took so long is that she couldn't get shot of my cervix to make sure the placenta was far enough away from it. Of course she couldn't because the baby had dropped so low on Saturday that his head was right over it. Eventually she had to go talk to the doctor (which is always a little scary) and they decided that she would have to do a vaginal ultrasound. That worked. She was able to see that the placenta is out of the way of the cervix and everything looked good.
The next day I had an appointment at the birthing center with one of the midwives. I told her that I thought that the baby had dropped on Saturday and she didn't really seem to be too worried even after I told her about the whole ultrasound ordeal. Then she felt my stomach to check the way the baby was lying (head down) and started to get worried when she realized the baby did in fact feel like he was engaged. So, she did an exam and said that his head is really low and that my cervix has started to thin. She didn't really check to see how far dilated I was because she was afraid that would send me into labor. She estimated about 2 cm. Then she said that she should put me on bed rest, but realized that was ridiculous since I have two little ones at home. She said to stay off of my feet as much as possible, no cooking, no walking and no cleaning. So, I went home and cleaned the house for Activity Day that night. But that's it, no more major cleaning (luckily Adam did the mopping). She did move my due date up almost one week as we went back and looked at early ultrasounds and checked dates. If I deliver soon (which I'm not going to) then the baby should be ok. I would just have to deliver at the hospital and I really don't want that. If I can hold off until the day after Christmas that will put me at 36 weeks, according to my new dates, and I can deliver at the birthing center. In the meantime, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and saying some serious prayers and I'll take any prayers that anybody else has to offer.

34 weeks pregnant (can't really see my belly since I'm wearing a black shirt, but it's there)
About two weeks ago (at 32 weeks)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Wow! I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Your stomach is so small! I get so huge, but you've seen me when prego. Hey, we're moving to AZ, Billy got the job he interviewed for, now we just have to sell our house:) Ahh! Keep us updated!