Sunday, September 7, 2008

What a fun week

We spent Labor Day with some friends from church. They grilled and Adam was able to get his meat fix for the month. The food was all so yummy. I used my mother-in-law's recipe to make fish/frog eye salad which is always a big hit with the kids. The kids had a water balloon fight with a couple of the brave dads. It was a really fun day.

Allie is so excited to be drinking soda and it's pink

Daddy and Jack playing soccer-Jack forgets to use his feet

The kids waiting for their turn to get the next water balloon

Allie had her first day of preschool at the University of Texas Lab School. From what Adam told me she did really well. I asked Adam to make sure to take some pictures of her before she got too deep into playing. Apparently she ran off to play so fast that Adam couldn't even get one picture. When he came back to pick her up, her teacher said that "Allie is made for school." I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but she seems to be loving it. This week she only went for two days, two hours each day. Starting tomorrow she'll go four days a week for three hours each day. On Mondays and Wednesdays Adam takes her to school and brings her home and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I drop her off and Adam brings her home. I think that Mondays and Wednesdays are going to be great for Jack and I.

The only picture I got of Allie on her first day of Lab School (I think that skirt is getting a little short). Allie loves her new pink puppy dog.

For the most part potty training is still going fairly well. No major accidents, just lots of little ones this week. Jack on the other hand has taken to going poopy in his diaper when he is in his crib, then taking all of his clothes of (onesie included) and smearing the poop everywhere. We had a major mess after nap time today. Yuck!!!

On to better news...I had my first appointment with my midwife at the birthing center this week. Things went well. I love how laid back they are about most things. I also really liked that they paid a lot of attention to the nutrition of the mother which my OB/GYN usually doesn't have time for. The office was very busy because it was the first day back after the Labor Day weekend, but the midwife didn't seem rushed at all. I was 18 1/2 weeks and I measured 15 weeks, so we'll see how big the baby is tomorrow at the ultrasound. It's the big one. By lunchtime tomorrow, we'll know if we are having another girl or another boy (assuming the baby cooperates). Stay tuned. We'll post another blog when we get home from the appointment.

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