Monday, September 8, 2008

It's a....

Boy! Allie didn't get the sister that she has been asking for for her birthday, but it looks like Jack is getting a brother. Allie told me last week that she didn't need another brother because she already has one. I was a little afraid to tell her that the baby wasn't going to be a sister, but all she said was why not (typical 3 year old). We told her that Heavenly Father wanted us to have another brother and she said "why". After that, all she seemed concerned about was when the baby was going to get here. I think she's over it.
As for me, I'm not going to lie, I really was looking forward to having another girl to wear all of those cute clothes that Allie hardly got any use out of because she grew so fast. I really just want Allie to have a little sister at some point. We'll see. I am glad to have two children of the same sex close together so that the boys can share a room sometime soon. Things are kind of out of control with Allie and Jack sharing a room right now. And Adam, in true Adam form didn't care either way (he's just glad the baby is healthy), but I do think he's excited to have another boy. He's already talking about Olympic aspirations for both of the boys and Allie too.
Everything seemed really good at the ultrasound as far as the baby's health is concerned. He weighed about 12 ounces and was measuring about 20 weeks which is right on. She said that put my due date at January 26th (the original due date is Jan 28th). The only problem is that the tech said that my placenta is lying low, but that often times that corrects itself as the pregnancy progresses. If not, it sounded like another c-section. I hope not. I really want my natural birthing center birth. Again, we'll wait and see.

The baby sucking his thumb

Full body shot


Auntie K said...

I had a wild thought that what if it turned out to be twins, but I guess you would already know if that were the case, right? Well, this Auntie will take a boy or a girl, though baby girls are a bit more fun to shop for. Guess I'd better start saving my pennies for a February trip, since you're no longer a quick car ride away!

Erin said...

I am so excited for you guys. I am eager for another boy myself, so I am excited that you will get another sweet boy. Congrats!