Monday, November 3, 2008

Jack turns 2!

Jack turned 2 this past week. We just had a low key family party. This was the first year that we didn't have any of the Grandparents here for one of the kid's parties. Maybe next year we'll have a party with friends. I was asking Adam the other day if we should have a party with friends for Allie this year and he reminded me that this year might not be the best idea since her birthday is my due date. Good thinking Adam. Maybe next year for Allie too.
Things we love about Jack:
-The way you gallop and prance instead of running.
-That you never get tired of playing peek-a-boo.
-Your belly laugh when you are getting tickled and that you still love being tickled.
-You sometimes cuddle for about 30 seconds.
-The way you put your head down on our shoulders every night when we sing "You are my sunshine" to you.
-The silly sounds that you make while you're trying to fall asleep at night.
-The way you stomp your feet when you dance and clap your hands when a song is over.
-That we have you in our family.
Jack coming through his door first thing in the morning. We hung up some of our Halloween streamers on his door. I love this picture!
I made the cake in the morning and then made the frosting in the afternoon after we dropped Allie off at school. Since it was just Jack and Mommy, we shared the mixers with frosting on them. Jack doesn't look very impressed...yet.

Now he's loving it. How could any child of mine not like chocolate.

Adam made his mom's recipe for mac-n-cheese. Of course we all loved it. This is Allie shoveling it in. She had just gotten done throwing a fit over something. So, she still has some tears and snot for the camera.

No pictures please. It's my birthday and I just want to eat my mac-n-cheese.

The Cake

1 comment:

Auntie K said...

Oh--I wish I had been there to share in the festivities, the cake, and the Macaroni & Cheese! Happy Birthday Jack!!